in the temple of Hathor, Dendera, we can see what i think looks liks a device or machine of some sort.
i think the heads which look like jars are actually “Baghdad Batteries” and were transferred technology from Mesopotamia/Sumer
academic egyptologists will claim that the machine is a “Menit necklace”, but i stand firm that they are wrong — take the Ankh for example, people wear a necklace of an Ankh, it does not mean the Ankh is a necklace — it’s that the necklace/amulet represents the object/device. The Ankh is its own thing, not a necklace — the same is for this so-called “Menit necklace”
It is a huge device and i think it was a “Baghdad Battery” array with 4 cells — we can see multiple cells joined together in a large machine to create a sum of energy. On the other side of the murals we see what people commonly refer to as the “Dendera lights”. In the image i use you cannot see the complete mural but take a look at the person in the suit with a “tail” — it looks like a monkey holding 2 knives — i think the “tail” from the suit is for GROUNDING as the person in the protective suit was starting the machine/device, as it was very dangerous not to be grounded. Ancient volatile electricity generation.
The ancient electrical objects are anthropomorphised to symbolise that they are “ALIVE”, as in “LIVE” power. We still use the terminology “LIVE” in modern times.
the person behind the one in the protective suit is holding a staff which grounds the “tail” of the person in the suit, there is also a large vertical object keeping the “tail” grounded along with the staff — it looks the same shape as the knives so it is metal grounding object for safety.
BELOW IS MY VIDEO FROM Dec 11, 2019 (2019.12.11) — It also includes my discoveries of Shiva & Akhenaten symbolism connection. (Vedic – Egyptian – Mesopotamian connection)

the academics are misdirected by their “tutors”
some of the “tutors” belong to secret societies who intentionally misdirect the outsiders
the secret societies are full of stupid people trying to get rich quick and get into positions of power
very few are genuine.
and even the “insiders” are lacking knowledge, vision, wisdom, or any real ability to see and know.