i got this Fujitsu FM TOWNS promotional poster a while back from Yahoo! Japan auctions
if you look closely, we see the Twin Towers in the image of the screen
behind the twin towers is a sort of explosion of light. 🌇 😎

UVT … unknown voices テク | Anthony S Knowles | Ashtar Ventura | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
i got this Fujitsu FM TOWNS promotional poster a while back from Yahoo! Japan auctions
if you look closely, we see the Twin Towers in the image of the screen
behind the twin towers is a sort of explosion of light. 🌇 😎
Nagasaki peace memorial looks like SATAN from Pandæmonium (“paradise lost”)
Pandæmonium is the capital of Hell in John Milton‘s epic poem Paradise Lost.
idea: YAEBA (real fangs) Maid Cafe ( 八重歯メイドカフェ )
3500円:maid bites arm of customer
8888円:maid bites neck of customer
i’m a Genius.