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i temporarily locked down my twitter again for this season — then twitter coerced me into giving a phone number!!!

i temporarily locked down my twitter again for this season — then twitter coerced me into giving a phone number!!! they would not let me log back in without handing over a phone number! there was no phone number associated with the account before!! it is Coercion!!!

temporary Ashtar Command lockdown in effect

singular temporal quantum timeline switch

quantum hispanics

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2001: Earth Maiden Arjuna 地球少女アルジュナ – Raaja – Tapeworms in the Brain & Chest! like real life! …episode 6

2001… 地球少女アルジュナ (Earth Maiden Arjuna)
one of the best Anime… the “Raaja” are like pork tapeworms
in real life, people have tapeworms in brains and chest !!!

The tapeworms cause neurological problems, seizures, and more!Imagine how many people are misdiagnosed and undiagnosed!
I personally went vegetarian in 2012 and have been vegan for years now! i have a much better immune system now!

2019.11 :
Man had HUNDREDS of tapeworms in brain, chest after eating undercooked pork
“A 43-year-old man in China who was suffering from seizures and loss of consciousness went to the doctor after his symptoms persisted for several weeks, only to discover that he had hundreds of tapeworms in his brain and chest, reports say.”

Imagine how many people are misdiagnosed and undiagnosed! Imagine the wider effects!!!

Arjuna” is from the “Mahabarata” epic. the anime has a lot of Hindu/Sanatani influence

“COVID-19” is psyops and a confusion of causality, there was vaccine interference/vaccine damage from ‘influvac subunt tetra’ 2019 innoculation, etc. and 60GHz EM wave oxygen absorbtion (crowd control/individual target tech from 2001! mmO2 PLC, 60GHz mmWave from 2001 old tech!), and also tapeworms in brain and lungs/chest

and NERBS-V19!

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a ‘party trick’: when yawning i can shoot Saliva from the gland under my tongue like a Snake shoots venom 🐍 (seriously)

i can shoot saliva out the gland under my tongue like a snake shoots venom (it can happen WHEN I YAWN!!!)
seriously! i’m serious … i don’t mean “spitting”

i mean that it shoots out the gland under my tongue like a snake shoots venom!

only when i yawn!

it is said they have “discovered” a previously unknown saliva gland, i think it may be connected?

(tubarial salivary glands)

Also worth noting:

Saliva enzymes help us pre-digest plant food, we chew and salivate for pre-digestion,
a key part of our digestive system.

when we see tasty fruit this is why we salivate, it’s to digest plants

saliva enzymes also react with plant drugs🍀

our saliva enzymes don’t digest/break meat.

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what is NERBS-V19? (Novel Eurasian Reassortant Bird Swine Virus 2019


“Human infection with a novel reassortant Eurasian-avian lineage swine H1N1 virus in northern China”
Xiaoyan Li, Liru Guo, Caixia Liu, Yanhui Cheng, Mei Kong, Lei Yang, Zhichao Zhuang, Jia Liu, Ming Zou, Xiaochun Dong, Xu Su & Qing Gu
Received 24 Aug 2019, Accepted 07 Oct 2019, Published online: 29 Oct 2019

Avian=Bird, so i would like to coin this monstrosity as NERBS-V19 (Novel Eurasian Reassortant Bird Swine Virus 2019)

there was little media attention about NERBS-V19 in 2019 while so-called “COVID-19” was festering, but NERBS-V19 is getting attention in 2020. ( “A new virus raises fears of another pandemic” • 30 Jun 2020)

the Factory-Farm-Festered NERBS-V19 has spread from Swine to Humans already.

in late 2019, a new influenza vaccine was rolled out to the globe as per the 2019/2020 W.H.O schedule. the vaccine for 2019 was “INFLUVAC SUBUNIT TETRA”, this vaccine was not targeted at NERBS-V19, but it contained FOUR influenza virus strains (“a whole new level of autistic cancer”), along with formaldehyde (a GENOTOXIC agent, next to viruses), and other ingredients to make the abominable concoction.

this was in spite of existing studies from the previous years that the previous influenza vaccines caused VACCINE INTERFERENCE, and MORE AGGRESSIVE CORONAVIRUS AND HUMAN METAPNEUMOVIRUS in the humans receiving the shots

INFLUVAC SUBUNIT TETRA was recommended to the Elderly, Vulnerable, and Children in late 2019

this is the product they were injected with:


A/Brisbane/02/2018 (H1N1)pdm09-like virus;
A/Kansas/14/2017 (H3N2)-like virus;
B/Colorado/06/2017-like virus B/Victoria/2/87 lineage)
B/Phuket/3073/2013-like virus (B/Yamagata/16/88 lineage)

Other product information is slightly different:

A/Brisbane/02/2018 (H1N1)pdm09-like strain(A/Brisbane/02/2018, IVR-190)
A/Kansas/14/2017 (H3N2)-like strain (A/Kansas/14/2017, NYMC X-327)
B/Colorado/06/2017-like strain (B/Maryland/15/2016, NYMC BX-69A)
B/Phuket/3073/2013-like strain (B/Phuket/3073/2013, wild type)

it seems in 2019, after NERBS-V19 was discovered, there was a whole lot of mandatory vaccination, and potential vaccine interference from 2019 winter season vaccination rollout, then a “COVID-19” (sars-cov-2/2019-ncov) guise and distraction with people diagnosed based on “symptoms”, false-positive PCR tests (the sort of test that should not be used for viruses), etc., and now in 2020 there is some media attention on NERBS-V19

well, now everyone can think about vaccine interference-induced aggressive coronavirus/human metapneumovirus

and Factory-Farm-Festered NERBS-V19