2001… 地球少女アルジュナ (Earth Maiden Arjuna) one of the best Anime… the “Raaja” are like pork tapeworms in real life, people have tapeworms in brains and chest !!!
The tapeworms cause neurological problems, seizures, and more!Imagine how many people are misdiagnosed and undiagnosed! I personally went vegetarian in 2012 and have been vegan for years now! i have a much better immune system now!
2019.11 : Man had HUNDREDS of tapeworms in brain, chest after eating undercooked pork
Imagine how many people are misdiagnosed and undiagnosed! Imagine the wider effects!!!
Arjuna” is from the “Mahabarata” epic. the anime has a lot of Hindu/Sanatani influence …
“COVID-19” is psyops and a confusion of causality, there was vaccine interference/vaccine damage from ‘influvac subunt tetra’ 2019 innoculation, etc. and 60GHz EM wave oxygen absorbtion (crowd control/individual target tech from 2001! mmO2 PLC, 60GHz mmWave from 2001 old tech!), and also tapeworms in brain and lungs/chest
i can shoot saliva out the gland under my tongue like a snake shoots venom (it can happen WHEN I YAWN!!!) seriously! i’m serious … i don’t mean “spitting”
i mean that it shoots out the gland under my tongue like a snake shoots venom!
only when i yawn!
it is said they have “discovered” a previously unknown saliva gland, i think it may be connected?
Saliva enzymes help us pre-digest plant food, we chew and salivate for pre-digestion, a key part of our digestive system.
when we see tasty fruit this is why we salivate, it’s to digest plants saliva enzymes also react with plant drugs🍀 our saliva enzymes don’t digest/break meat.
i had an urge to eat some of this calcite crystal, so i did it tastes like glass … i don’t know what the effect will be, maybe it’s beneficial, who knows … lol
i’ve ate mono-atomic Gold before, so hey why not try some crystals to eat?
‘experiments have been conducted to use calcite for a cloak of invisibility’ 𓂀 ‘ Trilobites, which became extinct a quarter billion years ago, had unique compound eyes that used clear calcite crystals to form the lenses’ 𓂀
‘Calcite is one of the minerals that has been shown to catalyze an important biological reaction, the formose reaction, and may have had a role in the origin of life’ 𓂀
… yeah well i just ate some calcite crystal xD
here is the crystal on one of my Altars atop some Lapis Lazuli from badokshan mines, Mesopotamia:
Calcite seas existed in Earth history when the primary inorganic precipitate of calcium carbonate in marine waters was low-magnesium calcite (lmc), as opposed to the aragonite and high-magnesium calcite (hmc) precipitated today. Calcite seas alternated with aragonite seas over the Phanerozoic, being most prominent in the Ordovician and Jurassic. Lineages evolved to use whichever morph of calcium carbonate was favourable in the ocean at the time they became mineralised, and retained this mineralogy for the remainder of their evolutionary history.[26]Petrographic evidence for these calcite sea conditions consists of calcitic ooids, lmc cements, hardgrounds, and rapid early seafloor aragonite dissolution.[27] The evolution of marine organisms with calcium carbonate shells may have been affected by the calcite and aragonite sea cycle.[28] Calcite is one of the minerals that has been shown to catalyze an important biological reaction, the formose reaction, and may have had a role in the origin of life.[9] Interaction of its chiral surfaces (see Form) with aspartic acid molecules results in a slight bias in chirality; this is one possible mechanism for the origin of homochirality in living cells.[29]
Ancient Egyptians carved many items out of calcite, relating it to their goddess Bast, whose name contributed to the term alabaster because of the close association. Many other cultures have used the material for similar carved objects and applications. A transparent variety of calcite known as Iceland spar may have been used by Vikings for navigating on cloudy days.[13] High-grade optical calcite was used in World War II for gun sights, specifically in bomb sights and anti-aircraft weaponry.[14] Also, experiments have been conducted to use calcite for a cloak of invisibility.[15] Microbiologically precipitated calcite has a wide range of applications, such as soil remediation, soil stabilization and concrete repair. Calcite, obtained from an 80 kg sample of Carrara marble,[16] is used as the IAEA-603 isotopic standard in mass spectrometry for the calibration of δ18O and δ13C.[17] Calcite is a common constituent of sedimentary rocks, limestone in particular, much of which is formed from the shells of dead marine organisms. Approximately 10% of sedimentary rock is limestone. It is the primary mineral in metamorphicmarble. It also occurs in deposits from hot springs as a vein mineral; in caverns as stalactites and stalagmites; and in volcanic or mantle-derived rocks such as carbonatites, kimberlites, or rarely in peridotites. Calcite is often the primary constituent of the shells of marine organisms, e.g., plankton (such as coccoliths and planktic foraminifera), the hard parts of red algae, some sponges, brachiopods, echinoderms, some serpulids, most bryozoa, and parts of the shells of some bivalves (such as oysters and rudists). Calcite is found in spectacular form in the Snowy River Cave of New Mexico as mentioned above, where microorganisms are credited with natural formations. Trilobites, which became extinct a quarter billion years ago, had unique compound eyes that used clear calcite crystals to form the lenses.[18] The largest documented single crystal of calcite originated from Iceland, measured 7×7×2 m and 6×6×3 m and weighed about 250 tons.
src: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Tutankhamun%27s_Alabaster_Jar.jpg August 1987 Frank Rytell
ideally, VR and other low-latency gaming should use ANALOGUE signals, similar to CRT. i think we should explore analogue once again for lower latency visuals … especially for VR and Gaming
īśhvaraḥ—the Supreme Lord; sarva-bhūtānāṁ—of all living entities; hṛid-deśhe—in the location of the heart; ‘rjuna—O Arjuna; tiṣhṭhati—resides; bhrāmayan—causing to travel; sarva-bhūtāni—all living entities; yantrā—machine/carousel; (important key word: sanskrit can be difficult to translate) rūḍhāni—being so placed; māyayā—under the spell of material energy.
common interpretation: “The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone’s heart, O Arjuna, and is directing the wanderings of all living entities, who are seated as on a machine, made of the material energy.”
Some have interpreted this to indicate we are living in a simulation, a mere mechanical existence. The simulation idea is false.
in combination with the scriptures, i tell u:
yantrā: does not simply = “machine”, it can mean a spinning thing, such as a carousel, or possibly a planet. Atoms spin, are “mechanical”, they exist in mayaya (the material realm), it is a realm.
rūḍhāni: we are placed on the carousel, the spinning thing, the material thing. it is not a simulation, we are actually placed here and we have a CONNECTION via THE HEART to THE SUPREME/SUPERSOUL.
it is a “lesser” realm than the transcendental/heavenly realms, lesser than the heavenly planets in māya, indeed, it is māya, but it still exists as its own thing.
īśhvaraḥ hṛid-deśhe (tiṣhṭhati): the “supreme lord” resides in everyone’s HEARTS, even though we are PLACED in this lesser realm on spining/mechanical thing (planet, body of atoms spinning, etc.)
This is important — the connection via our hearts connects to the “supersoul” of the “supreme lord”, who is guiding us, and has a DIRECT CONNECTION. LIKE A QUANTUM-ANIMA-BIO-ELECTRO-MAGNETIC INTERNET, WHICH I REFER TO AS THE OMNINET, WITHIN THE OMNIVERSE (taking into account both material yantra and non-material transcendental realms)
in addition to the “Supersoul”, we have the Individual Soul, which is your personal being, in connection with the Supreme
The Egyptians teach us that MA’AT will weigh our HEARTS against a SINGLE FEATHER They removed all organs, but they kept THE HEART, MA’AT judged VIA THE HEART. This is where we see a vedic-egyptian connection. 42nd commandment of MA’AT: “I HAVE NOT KILLED THE CATTLE OF THE GOD” SACRED COW, SACRED BULL, THE CONNECTION IS THERE.
So, we are NOT in a simulation, but we ARE placed on a “yantrā”, and our HEART is the main connection, SCIENTIFICALLY and we are told also SCRIPTURALLY.
further to the phenomenom i explained regarding sound permeating all mediums, we will discuss sacred harmonics and sacred geometry and wave physics:
1. Room Modes & Standing Waves in TEMPLES and Studios/Venues
when constructing a temple or room inside a temple, the dimensions of the room will create a “standing wave” and “room mode”. This is the phenomenon where the dimensions of the room will amplify specific freqencies/wavelengths.
the standing wave/room mode can be calculated by dividing the length of the room by the speed of sound(in air — sound travels different speeds in different mediums)
one may also test manually by sweeping a frequency from a loudspeaker slowly, at equal amplitude, or playing whitenoise into the room, and measuring a frequency analyser to see which specific frequency is being amplified.
The room modes effectively AMPLIFY specific frequencies with *constructive interference* of the waves
in modern times, studio engineers and concert venue audio engineers take these room modes and standing waves into account when considering the acoustics of the rooms, and they will compensate with equalisation or changes to the room.
in the sacred geometry and resonances, we will experience *MANTRA* and specific *MUSICAL TONES* being amplified *BY THE TEMPLE ITSELF*, according to the dimensions of the room/temple. The Ommmmm/Aummmm will be more powerful.
2. Sympathetic Resonance & Helmholtz Resonators
There is also the phenomenon of *sympathetic resonance* where specific frequencies will resonate with specific materials and objects, based on the base resonance. This can be seen when an opera singer may hit a specific note and smash some glass — this is a real phenomenon — and it’s not merely the amplitude of the singer but the FREQUENCY matching that of the glass and causing sympathetic resonance.
So when we consider both of these together, we can experience the room mode amplification together with resonance of the human brain when chanting OM/AUM, and other mantra.
Furthermore there are “helmholtz resonator” effects, and the human head/skull itself may act as a helmholtz resonator where the waves may bounce around inside and dissipate within the skull being absorbed by the brain
This page may be updated with extra info when i feel like adding to it, i am putting the main idea here from censored twitter and deleted facebooks from over the years.
3. The Sacred Numbers for Frequency/Geometry
We also should consider pythagorean tuning and geometry and the keys of A432Hz/C256Hz, pentatonic, and the correlating geometry of the rooms the music and sound is played in, key values for frequency and geometry: 9, 36, 108, 144, 216, 256 (square values), 384, 234, 432, 666, et cetera
this is why we have 108 beads on the mantra bracelets, etc., and why these numbers appear in ancient religious temples and objects. They have a key.
Events of the future may impact the present. When a significant event or “spike” in the activity occurs, it may create a ripple of waves in all directions which may be felt in some form of Extra-Sensory Perception (“ESP”) in the present moment. Furthermore when those waves reach the end of the resonator/sphere/other containment, the waves will bounce back and collide with waves in the other direction
there is also constructive interference and destructive interference of waves, in all types of wave physics there is this phenomenon of constructive interference and destructive interference
in addition, there is *sympathetic resonance* where the wave oscillation of a medium may match that of an external wave, and start to resonate and amplify and become much louder
again, this could explain some forms of ESP and precognition. The more significant the event and the more relevant to the person then the more likely they may feel the ripples from the future.
i eat a whole organic apple when eating an apple, this is how Elephants eat and they get the low levels of cancer. Herbivores are also the biggest animals and were the biggest dinosaurs. The closer to the plant food we get more BIOPHOTON (LIGHT) and nutrients — the longer it is on the shelf it loses biophotons, CARNIVORE tries to eat herbivore for sustenance and gets LOWER QUALITY “2nd hand” biophotons & nutrients. When eating food and fruit skin especially, make sure it is clean from BIOCIDES and is organic — otherwise the chemicals will negate the benefits.