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Nagasaki peace memorial looks like SATAN

Nagasaki peace memorial looks like SATAN from Pandæmonium (“paradise lost”)

Pandæmonium is the capital of Hell in John Milton‘s epic poem Paradise Lost.

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i hypothesise that brain parasites/worms influence flesh-eater’s behaviour

i hypothesise that worms influence flesh-eater’s brain & behaviour.
it is not uncommon that the worms & eggs from flesh enter the brain and chest of flesh-eaters.
it is a so-called “hidden pandemic”, with many cases in China & USA which are misdiagnosed as brain cancer, lung cancer, flu, coronavirus, mere “headaches”, and more.

just like toxoplasmosis affects cats, i think their brain parasites affect the behaviour of the host to get angry at non-flesh eaters (“vegans”) more, like they drool at the mouth shouting “wHERe dO yOU GeT ProTEiN fROm?!? EaT SoME baCoN mMM BaCoN …” as if i never used to eat steak almost every day?

i think those parasites are influencing them to encourage more people to become hosts of the parasites.
y’all have brain parasites like the RAAJA from “Earth Maiden Arjuna” Anime series.

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lactoferrin in titty milk is good for health – don’t knock ICE T for sucking tits.

So what? ICE T likes to suck some titty milk … What do other people prefer, sucking on cow’s tits? …

… i’m Vegan.

Breast milk contains Lactoferrin. (AKA Laactotransferrin)

Lactoferrin is Antiviral, Antimicrobial, Antifungal, Anticancer, etc.
Lactoferrin is also found in saliva & tears.

Lactoferrin is good for health, healing, and boosts natural immunity.
It is one of the first lines of defense for infants before they develop their own immunity, gut flora microbiome, etc.

spirulina & chlorella are good for immunity too.
breast milk from a lady who supplements with spirulina would be an interesting strain.

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Defects Are Not Side Effects. Menstrual Defects are Fertility Defects

defects are not side effects。
menstrual defects are fertility defects。
bell’s palsy defect is like from the film “AI: Artificial Intelligence” (2001)

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Mesopotamian UTU / SHAMASH seems the same as “hindu” SHIVA as NATARAJ: my observations

UTU / SHAMASH “cutting mountains in Sippar” (see for more)

My Observations & Links

SHIVA as NATARAJ (COSMIC DANCE “TANDAVA”), crushing “Apasmara”
(“fierce”/”fiery” form)

It seems to me that SHIVA as NATARAJ(A) is the same form as Mesopotamian UTU/SHAMASH

They both appear to be hitting the ground with a “fiery landing” from above (hence the fire/smoke trails)

UTU/SHAMASH “cuts the mountain”, and SHIVA as NATARAJ (performing the COSMIC DANCE TANDAVA) “crushes Apasmara”

SHIVA’s Trishul (Trident) seems to be related to the symbol to the side of UTU/SHAMASH which seems to be formed from AN (dingir) at the top, with one point extending down to the earth (KI?) … AN = Heaven/Sky/God … KI =Earth … the symbol opposite seems related to SHIVA’s drum (Damaru)

They also both wear elaborate helmets in their depictions

Other symbols also correlate and seem related, in their hands.

I think the fact Shiva has many arms holding different items is so the people could depict the deity in one image (he had this, that, another thing, power of this, that, etc.), hence, many arms are shown in Hindu deities, as they hold various weapons, tools, and other items that may be symbolic of certain powers or attributes, though … they may have had many physical arms i think it is to show everything in one form …

below is an old video from December 2019 where i initially rambled about my observations … this video was unscripted and rushed, i made a couple of mistakes (corrected in comments), as i felt a slight “eurika” moment as the symbolism correlation clicked, i wanted to share it, and i don’t know anyone else who has noticed these SHIVA + UTU/SHAMASH connections … the 2nd half has clips from a video regarding SHIVA as NATARAJ in particular and the “COSMIC DANCE”:

my video from December 2019, hasted, no script, few mistakes which i correct in comments …

if anyone sees this and has any input, any more observations and links, please let me know via commenting on this post or email, cheers.

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Santani Sounds LIVE @ 2020.12.17 2000 UTC SDF.ORG with 𒀭Ashtar 卐Ventura

LIVE CAST talking about “THE BEGINNING OF THE END”, Israeli PSYOPS regarding Aliens and Martian Underground Bases Covering up EXPERIMENTS ON EARTH DEEP UNDERGROUND MILITARY BASES, Vaccine Operation WARP SPEED, etc., Viktor Schauberger Flying Disc technology (“UFO”) Linux Kernel realtime vs server, etc., freestyle as usual …

1 KANEDA [金田] – 能山城組 Symphonic Suite AKIRA
2 TETSUO [鉄雄] – 能山城組 Symphonic Suite AKIRA
3 It’s Cold Outside – Red Dwarf

Documentary about VIKTOR SCHAUBERGER and the FLYING DISC technology i refer to (including NASA explaining they “lost a piece”, apparently …)