Nagasaki peace memorial looks like SATAN from Pandæmonium (“paradise lost”)

Pandæmonium is the capital of Hell in John Milton‘s epic poem Paradise Lost.
UVT … unknown voices テク | Anthony S Knowles | Ashtar Ventura | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Nagasaki peace memorial looks like SATAN from Pandæmonium (“paradise lost”)
Pandæmonium is the capital of Hell in John Milton‘s epic poem Paradise Lost.
i will try to give a timeline of the most serious of my precognitions & synchronicities, which i posted to my twitter from 2019.
Please note: the Necromancy with Egyptian mummies at the Museum goes as far back as 2012, and I have a horus-falcon apparition in a Glass from previous rituals … i will post about that soon after this post.
almost all of the pieces were posted to my twitter @ashtarventura / @_Ashtar_Ventura which was recently suspended for using the most ancient Swastika symbol (some people have Swastika-phobia???)
i will still include the direct permalinks to each timeline post, the links work but say the account is “suspended” — they should work fully as normal if/when the account is unsuspended, so i will include all the permalinks here. the screenshots i am still able to get from the data archive provided by twitter.
i dreamt there was a fiery manifestation on the horizon in the daytime
it was not “filled”, but a fiery ring on the Horizon (a fiery Corona)
in the dream there was an old man in the field who was calm and signalled to me not to worry, like it was a cyclical thing, i would not be harmed walking through it
the fact it was on the horizon symbolised something coming in the near-future
(i have tweets explaining the extra details but cannot find them in the data archive twitter has given to me right now, will update with those links if i find them …)
This rhyme i made after seeing this medieval illuminated manuscript image of people touching the feet (on an Arany Zoltan youtube clip), together with posting at the time about masonic handshakes and saying to greet with the feet not the hand that touched the meat, as a joke (i am vegan.)
Synchronicity/Precognition: During the COVID-19 scenario, people were encouraged to avoid handshakes, and in some places like in China there were videos of people greeting with the feet, just like i Rhymed.
(another post i cannot find in my twitter data is the masonic handshake imagery i shared close to this… but i can find this one below:)
the mask i was wearing is from KRY clothing, i picked it up in Japan from my trips there in 2017-2019 where i also sometimes wore a mask out of my own choice and etiquette or if it was cold like wearing a scarf, not because the TV or some so-called “expert” tells me to do so
i was wearing gloves, and the eye of horus i made from raw lapis lazuli using a dremel drill clone (and wearing goggles at some points). i also had a 1/4oz pure gold coin offering “falcon of the plantagenets” design.
when the COVID-19 scenario started, the entire world was then instructed to wear Mask, Gloves, and even Goggles (to protect the eyes from a so-called pandemic virus) — the same as my Ritual Regalia
Egyptians were vegetarian, i haven’t ate meat since 2012 when i started doing rituals at the Museum and had apparitions appear (i will post about soon). Being vegan means our body is not a graveyard, so any spirits which may want to work may find it inviting and a body as a temple, not as a graveyard.
the cabinet housing the mummies is slightly loose and one can pry it open slightly and inhale the scents of the ancient mummies (one is a falcon, and yes there are human bodies in there). one can smell “Egypt” and the mummies just by visiting that part of the Museum, if one has a good sense of scents/smell.
prior to starting this ritual i had to walk through the “German Market” stalls, and the stench of flesh being cooked was overwhelming and putridly disgusting, all sorts of weird meat being cooked, funky oven vomit, stench from the vents …
before ascending to the 3rd floor of the museum i ate a vegan meal in the Edwardian Tearoom (ET) at the ground floor, the plate was round, and it seemed like symbolically eating the planet, the food of the planet, but also the plate being the planet, round … letting off a series of belches i then walked to the stairs, sort of pointing finger downwards as i walked, indicating something below as i was walking (there are not-so-secret tunnels off-limits to museum staff) and then went to ascend to the 3rd floor.
soon i will post more about the rituals i done from 2012 and the apparition which manifested.
here is the post about the drill i used to make the eye of horus from raw lapis lazuli (lapis lazuli sourced from Badokshan Mines, “Afghanistan”, the same ancient place the ancient Egyptians and Mesopotamians got it from)