“Human infection with a novel reassortant Eurasian-avian lineage swine H1N1 virus in northern China” Xiaoyan Li, Liru Guo, Caixia Liu, Yanhui Cheng, Mei Kong, Lei Yang, Zhichao Zhuang, Jia Liu, Ming Zou, Xiaochun Dong, Xu Su & Qing Gu Received 24 Aug 2019, Accepted 07 Oct 2019, Published online: 29 Oct 2019
Avian=Bird, so i would like to coin this monstrosity as NERBS-V19 (Novel Eurasian Reassortant Bird Swine Virus 2019)
there was little media attention about NERBS-V19 in 2019 while so-called “COVID-19” was festering, but NERBS-V19 is getting attention in 2020. (https://youtu.be/_gEzcH3jgio“A new virus raises fears of another pandemic” • 30 Jun 2020)
the Factory-Farm-Festered NERBS-V19 has spread from Swine to Humans already.
in late 2019, a new influenza vaccine was rolled out to the globe as per the 2019/2020 W.H.O schedule. the vaccine for 2019 was “INFLUVAC SUBUNIT TETRA”, this vaccine was not targeted at NERBS-V19, but it contained FOUR influenza virus strains (“a whole new level of autistic cancer”), along with formaldehyde (a GENOTOXIC agent, next to viruses), and other ingredients to make the abominable concoction.
INFLUVAC SUBUNIT TETRA was recommended to the Elderly, Vulnerable, and Children in late 2019 in some countries in 2019, INFLUVAC SUBUNIT TETRA WAS “MANDATORY” FOR SUCH PEOPLE, IN CHINA, etc.
it seems in 2019, after NERBS-V19 was discovered, there was a whole lot of mandatory vaccination, and potential vaccine interference from 2019 winter season vaccination rollout, then a “COVID-19” (sars-cov-2/2019-ncov) guise and distraction with people diagnosed based on “symptoms”, false-positive PCR tests (the sort of test that should not be used for viruses), etc., and now in 2020 there is some media attention on NERBS-V19
well, now everyone can think about vaccine interference-induced aggressive coronavirus/human metapneumovirus