i temporarily locked down my twitter again for this season — then twitter coerced me into giving a phone number!!! they would not let me log back in without handing over a phone number! there was no phone number associated with the account before!! it is Coercion!!!
i temporarily locked down my twitter again for this season — then twitter coerced me into giving a phone number!!! they would not let me log back in without handing over a phone number! there was no phone number associated with the account before!! it is Coercion!!!
2001… 地球少女アルジュナ (Earth Maiden Arjuna) one of the best Anime… the “Raaja” are like pork tapeworms in real life, people have tapeworms in brains and chest !!!
The tapeworms cause neurological problems, seizures, and more!Imagine how many people are misdiagnosed and undiagnosed! I personally went vegetarian in 2012 and have been vegan for years now! i have a much better immune system now!
2019.11 : Man had HUNDREDS of tapeworms in brain, chest after eating undercooked pork
Imagine how many people are misdiagnosed and undiagnosed! Imagine the wider effects!!!
Arjuna” is from the “Mahabarata” epic. the anime has a lot of Hindu/Sanatani influence …
“COVID-19” is psyops and a confusion of causality, there was vaccine interference/vaccine damage from ‘influvac subunt tetra’ 2019 innoculation, etc. and 60GHz EM wave oxygen absorbtion (crowd control/individual target tech from 2001! mmO2 PLC, 60GHz mmWave from 2001 old tech!), and also tapeworms in brain and lungs/chest
Events of the future may impact the present. When a significant event or “spike” in the activity occurs, it may create a ripple of waves in all directions which may be felt in some form of Extra-Sensory Perception (“ESP”) in the present moment. Furthermore when those waves reach the end of the resonator/sphere/other containment, the waves will bounce back and collide with waves in the other direction
there is also constructive interference and destructive interference of waves, in all types of wave physics there is this phenomenon of constructive interference and destructive interference
in addition, there is *sympathetic resonance* where the wave oscillation of a medium may match that of an external wave, and start to resonate and amplify and become much louder
again, this could explain some forms of ESP and precognition. The more significant the event and the more relevant to the person then the more likely they may feel the ripples from the future.
We are all mediums. Even matter is media. Example: Everything & Everyone is a medium for sound: solid, liquid, gas, etc. The only place where sound cannot permeate is an absolute vacuum (the absolute nothing which itself is a non-thing) therefore every thing/one is a medium.
Sound oscillates the atoms and things connected to the atoms, and that which permeates to other dimensions/realms connecting to the atoms, etc. This is a scientific phenomenon. Thus, we use mantra, sound, to vibrate all mediums. Some mediums are more sensitive than others, and the sound will travel differently according to the medium.
Something has to always have something else to arise from, thus something always existed, there is no beginning or end of time and time is but a sort of quantum state/loop.
The “big bang”/expansion is but a cosmic cycle just like a planet or atoms spinning, there are years, months, great years, etc
Within this universe is a “ghost” of the previous one, existing in the same space but a different time.
The analogy i use is like a magnetic tape of music — if we record over the music on the tape we may sometimes faintly hear the ghost of the previous recording, still existing under the new music. In the Omniverse we live in, life and celestial bodies exist as Quantum-anima-bio-electro-magnetic phenomena, and the ghost of the previous cyclce of the Universe/Omniverse contraction and expansion like the inhalation and exhalation of “Vishnu” exists.