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Studying Correlation Between ESP (Psychic Phenomena) & Geomagnetic Activity (& Solar Activity)

The Parapsychological Association & The Society for Psychical Research Convention 2008

some summary:

“Local geomagnetic field-strength measurements taken at 1-second intervals during 99 trials, and at 5-second intervals during 244 trials, were converted by fast Fourier transform into power within five frequency bands.

Two patterns were observed: ESP was found to succeed only during periods of enhanced pulsation activity within the 0.2-0.5 Hz band, but ESP effect was absent during the most disturbed periods of activity in the 0.025-0.1 Hz band. “

Rupert Sheldrake suggests a morphic field, but it seems that electromagnetic, geomagnetic, and other fields may be linked too, to the degree that more disturbed planetary field activity may cause “noise” and interrupt some forms of ESP (which then may become enhanced once the disturbed field has settled… i am trying to find the study which touches upon this finding of increased ESP _after_ the disturbed field has settled)

ExtraSensory Perception (ESP, Psi, Psychic Ability) is very real. It should be taken seriously.
If like myself, you have also personally experienced ESP such as precognitive dreams or remote sensing/clairvoyance, then it is no longer a belief, but we know it is real, we do not “believe” in it. it becomes knowledge. Thus there MUST be a mechanism, field, or function it is leveraging, and we should study to find this, and potentially leverage and exploit it so we can work with ESP more systematically and effectively.

Some of the research i have came across over the years range from the well-known USA CIA remote viewing studies, UK MoD remote viewing (appendix G, anyone?), Magick & Witchcraft, Findings that Rupert Sheldrake explores, etc… but what excited me the most was when i found studies which explore correlation between ESP and Geomagnetic and Solar activity. I’m trying to find the exact study i found many years ago, but above is one such study i just found, i should add and collate more as i find them.

If i recall correctly, what i learnt from the study i initially read years ago is that some forms of ESP are more frequent and enhanced During more active Geomagnetic periods (geomagnetic storms etc), but also that some ESP can actually be Dampened during the most active (geomagnetic storm) periods, followed by increased ESP when the highly unsettled field settles afterwards.

Also, the different types of ESP may be affected differently. Precognition (future time event sensing) for example, may be affected differently to clairvoyance/remote-sensing (current time remote event sensing), and the geomagnetic field may affect them differently.

I will also post briefly after this regarding some notable ESP experiences i’ve had myself, and how they may relate also to the Morphic field that Rupert Sheldrake suggests.

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Maha Kala Bhairava Stotram esoteric Translation

maha kala bhairav stotram / ashtakam (“yam yam yaksha roopam…”) ::::

one of the most powerful Stotram i have heard and resonated with over the years is the Maha Kala Bhairava Stotram / Ashtakam, also known as the “Yam Yam Yaksha Roopam…” stotra.

There are many translations given to the lay people, but several years ago i came upon a website that offered close-to-literal translation of the actual Sanskrit words and an interpretation based on the meanings,

The website no longer seems to be accessible, but luckily it is archived at the internet archive wayback machine, and i will reproduce it here for an extra backup and a journal entry. I will also arrange it in a whole piece first, followed by the given literal translation of each sanskrit word … instead of split into different pages as the original website had it.

After this, i will copy directly from the website including the Author’s remarks, as can be seen in the archived websites.

Curiously, to me the verses sometimes seem like they could be alluding to the power of the Sun and Coronal Mass Ejections and Filaments erupting (???)

Hopefully someone finds it as useful as i did.

original links:

wayback links:

audio of the stotram is above ^^^

Yam is spirit form known in 10 directions as matter enjoying comfortable ideas

Sam is the form of the collection of the entangled environment of bright light at the crown of the head

Dam is intense collection of the changing face of fierce thoughts of this immense void

Pam is the destruction of imperfection of that perpetual thought of prana, that preserves the unmanifested environment

Ram is the adhesive noise when two immense hot sharp edges are rubbed together

gham is noise, noise indeed made of gurgling noise, violent noise

kam is the trap of time bearing the radiant heat of desire 

tam is the sublime body of that perpetual thought of prana that preserves the unmanifested environment

lam indicates immense playful communication

Dhoom is the obscure description of the distinct large shining face of the fierce form

Rum is the multilated string of immense guide of red-colored light keeping back darkness

nam is the unadorned form of the continuous thought of prana that preserves the unmanifested environment.

vam is the motion of breath producing movement causing creation crossing later fading away

kham is the measure of disturbance in the three worlds resting in shining fierce form

Cham is the agitated tremulous motion of the circle of matter

Mam is the illusionary form of that continuous thought of prana that preserves the unmanifested environment

Sham is the measure of uncertainity in the white beam of light freeing the entire entropy

Mam is the dense collection of unopened accumulation, a design constantly moving

Yam is the noise of the past tied together in bristles destroying

Am is the intermediate region of that continuous thought of prana that preserves the unmanifested environment

kham is the disturbance separating the changing and the unchanging illusion of the immense time

sham is the agile speed of destroying the heated kindled idea

Houm is the roaring noise of the dense manifested roaring matter in motion

Vam is the beauty of those bristles of the thought of prana that preserves the unmanifested environment

Sam is the harnessing of knowledge of the dense quality of the entire pure energy and energies

Pam is the centre of the concentric circles of illusion establishing and destroying equilibrium with bright light and heat energy guide

Aim is the omniscience continuous noise dispelling perturbations before energy (is formed?)
roum is the fierce form of the thought of prana that preserves the unmanifested environment

Ham is the instability of the universal soul transcending the indistinct sound free harnessing of buoyant vibrancy

Dham is the form of guidance crown of head entangled attachment inflexible binding hand

Tam is the humming noise of tri-motion to give rise to disturbance obtaining self-interest desire

Bhrum is the past guide of the thought of prana that preserves the unmanifested environment

Yam Yam Yam Yaksha Roopam Dasha Dishi Viditam Bhoomi Kampaayamaanam
yaksha = spirit roopam = form dashadishi = 10 directions 
viditam = known as bhoomi = matter 
kam+pAya + mAnam =comfort + sucking continuously + notion/idea

Sam Sam Samhaara Murtim Shira Mukuta Jataa Shekharam Chandra Bimbam
samhAra = collection mUrtim = form 
shira + mukuTa = crown of the head 
jaTa =  entangled kshetaram = environment 
chandra bimbam = bright + illumintaion

Dam Dam Dam Deergha Kaayam Vikruta Nakha Mukham Hyurdhva romam Karaalam
dIrgha = deep kAyam = group vikruta = changing 
nakha = fierce mukam = face hyurdhva = mental activity 
romam = void karAla = immense

Pam Pam Pam Paap Naasham Pranmata Satatam BHAIRAVAM KSHETRA PAALAM !!1!!
pApa = imperfection Nasham = destroyed 
Prana + mata = thought of prana satatam = perpetual 
bhairavam kshetra pAlam = unmanifested environment preserve

Ram Ram Ram Raktavarnam, Kata katitam Teekshna DaMshTraa Karaalam
rakta + varnam = description of attachment or adhesion 
kaTakaTita = noise made when rubbing two substances together 
tIkShNa = hot daMshTrA = sharp edges karAlam = immense

Gham Gham Gham Ghosha Ghosham Gha Gha Gha Gha Ghatitam Ghargharam Ghora naadam
ghoSha = noise Ghosham = of noise ghA = indeed / surely 
GhaTitam = made of ghargharam = gurgling noise 
ghora = violent nAdam = sound / noise

Kam Kam Kam Kaala Paasham Dhruka Dhruka Dhrukitam Jwaalitam Kaamadaaham
kAla = time pAsham = trap dhruka = holding 
dhrukitam = of supporting jvalitam = radiant 
kAma + daham = desire + heat

Tam Tam Tam divya Deham, Pranmata Satatam, BHAIRAVAM KSHETRA PAALAM !!2!!
divya =  sublime deham = body 
Prana + mata = thought of prana satatam = perpetual 
bhairavam kshetra pAlam = unmanifested environment preserve

Lam Lam Lam Lam Vadantam la la la la Lalitam Dheergha Jivhaa Karaalam
Dhoom Dhoom Dhoom Dhoomra Varnam Sphuta vikata mukham Bhaskaram Bheemaroopam
Rum Rum Rum Roondamalam, ravi tama niyatam taamra netram karaalam
Nam Nam Nam Nagnaroopam, Pranmata Satatam, BHAIRAVAM KSHETRA PAALAM !!3!!

vadantam = to indicate lalitam = playful 
dheergha + jihva = long + tongue karAlam = immense
Dhoomra = obscure Varnam = description sphuTa = distinct 
vikaTa = large mukham = face bhaskaram = shining 
bhIma + roopam = fierce + form
ruNDa + malam = mutilated + string ravi = light tama = darkness 
niyatam = kept back tAmra = red-color netram = guide 
karAlam = immense
nagna = the unadorned

Vam Vam Vam vaayuvegam natajana dayinam Brahma paaram param tam
Kham Kham Kham khadga hastam tribhuvana nilayam bhaskaram bheema roopam
Cham Cham Cham Cham chalitvaa chala chala chalita chchaalitam bhoomi chakram
Mam Mam Mam maayi roopam Pranmata Satatam BHAIRAVAM KSHETRA PAALAM !!4!!

vAyu + vegam = breath + motion naTa + jana = to move + producing 
dayinam = causing bramha = creation pAram = crossing 
param = later tam = fading away
khadga = disturbance hastam = a cubit measured by the hand? 
tribhuvana = three worlds nilayam = resting bhaskaram = shining 
bhIma = fierce rUpam = form
chalitva = motion chala = agitation chalita = shaking 
bhoomi = matter chakram = cicle
mAyi + rUpam = illusionary + form

Sham Sham Sham Shankha Hastam, Sashi kara dhavalam, Moksha Sampoorna Tejam
Mam Mam Mam Mam Mahaantam, Kula makula kulam Mantra Guptam Sunityam
Yam Yam Yam Bhootanadham, Kili Kili Kilitam Vaalakeli Pradhanam
Am Am Am Aantariksham, Pranmata Satatam, BHAIRAVAM KSHETRA PAALAM !!5!!

Shankha = uncertainity hastam = measure shashikara = beam of light 
dhavalam = white moksha = free sampUrNa = entire tejam = entropy
Mahantam = dense kula = collection makula = unopened 
kulam = accumulated mantra = a design guptam = secret 
su + nityam = to move + constantly
bhUta + nAdam = past + noise kilitam = tied 
VAlakeli = bristle pradhAnam = destroy
Antariksham = the intermediate region 

Kham Kham Kham Khadga Bhedam, Visha Mamruta Mayam Kaala Kaalam Karalam
Ksham Ksham Ksham Kshipra Vegam, Daha Daha Dahanam, Tapta Sandeepya Maanam
Houm Houm HoumKaara Nadam, Prakatita Gahanam Garjitairbhoomi Kampam
Vam Vam Vam Vaala Leelam, Pranmata Satatam, BHAIRAVAM KSHETRA PAALAM !!6!!

khadga = disturbance bhedam = separating 
viSham + amruta = changing + unchanging mAyam = illusion 
kAla = time kAlam = and time karalam = immense
kshipra = agile vegam = speed dahanam = destroying 
tapta = heated sandIpya = kindle mAnam = idea
houmkAra = roaring nadam = noise prakatita = manifested 
gahanam = dense garjitair + bhoomi = roaring + matter 
kampam = motion
Vala = bristles lIlam = beauty

Sam Sam Sam Siddhi Yogam, Sakala guNa Ghanam, Deva Devam Prasannam
Pam Pam Pam Padmanabham, HariHara Mayanam,Chandra SuryaAgni Netram
Aim Aim Aim Aishwarya Naadham, Satata Bhayaharam, PoorvaDeva Swaroopam
Roum Roum Roum Roudra Roopam, Pranmata Satatam, BHAIRAVAM KSHETRA PAALAM !!7!!

siddi = knowledge yogam = harnessing sakala = entire guNa = quality 
ghanam = dense deva = energy devam = energies prasannam = pure
padma + nAbham = centre of the concentric circles 
hari + hara = establishing of equilibrium + destroyer(of equilibrium)  
mAyam = illusion chandra = bright 
surya + agni = light + heat energy netram = guide
aishwarya = omniscience nAdam = noise satata = continuous 
bhayaharam = perturbation pUrva+deva = before energy
roudra = fierce rUpam = form 

Ham Ham Ham Hamsa Haasam, HasitakalaHakam, MuktaYogaattahaasam
Dham Dham Dham Netra roopam, Siramakuta Jataabandha Bandhaagra Hastam
Tam Tam Tankaara nadham, Trida salata la tam, Kaama Garvaapa Haram
Bhrum Bhrum Bhrum Bhootanadham, Pranmata Satatam, BHAIRAVAM KSHETRA PAALAM !!8!!

hamsa = universal soul hAsam = instability 
hasita + kala + hakam = transcend + indistinct + sound 
mukta + yoga + atta + hAsam = free + harnessing + buoyant + vibrancy
netra = guidance rUpam = form sira + makuta = crown of head 
jatA + bandha = entangled + attachment 
badha+ugra = inflexible binding hastam = hand 
TamkAra = humming nAdham = noise trida = three 
salata = motion la = to give tam = disturbance 
kAma = desire garvApa = ego / self-interest haram = obtaining
bhUta + nAtham = past (that which has become) + guide 

Translation from original website based on Sanskrit meaning of the words:::


  Posted on August 26, 2018 By philosophy @

I really do not know why this stotram is attributed to time unmanifested. It is also described as the “Teekshna Damstra KAralam stotram” sometimes and even this, to me, makes no sense. The translation of the verses seems to indicate that this is some sort of trace of the various paths to the “thought that preserves the unmanifested”.

I will translate this also in a series of blogs, since there are 8 verses and it is too much for a single blog. The starting of these lines of verses such as “Yam”, “Sam”, “Dam” etc., most of the time is translated as “bija mantras” or “seed mantras”. I wonder what that means. My take is that the correct repeated chanting of these mantras should evoke the subsequent meaning that is described in that line. Have we lost the correct chanting and hence lost the meaning? I wonder if we have retained only a ghost of the original meaning! But, here goes what I think this means.

Yam Yam Yam Yaksha Roopam Dasha Dishi Viditam Bhoomi Kampaayamaanam
yaksha = spirit roopam = form dashadishi = 10 directions 
viditam = known as bhoomi = matter 
kam+pAya + mAnam =comfort + sucking continuously + notion/idea

Sam Sam Samhaara Murtim Shira Mukuta Jataa Shekharam Chandra Bimbam
samhAra = collection mUrtim = form 
shira + mukuTa = crown of the head 
jaTa =  entangled kshetaram = environment 
chandra bimbam = bright + illumintaion

Dam Dam Dam Deergha Kaayam Vikruta Nakha Mukham Hyurdhva romam Karaalam
dIrgha = deep kAyam = group vikruta = changing 
nakha = fierce mukam = face hyurdhva = mental activity 
romam = void karAla = immense

Pam Pam Pam Paap Naasham Pranmata Satatam BHAIRAVAM KSHETRA PAALAM !!1!!
pApa = imperfection Nasham = destroyed 
Prana + mata = thought of prana satatam = perpetual 
bhairavam kshetra pAlam = unmanifested environment preserve

Note, again, I have changed the Shekaram to kshetaram, environment instead of peak point. When the context of Shira MukuTa jaTa is translated as “twisted hair at the peak of the head”, then Shekaram makes sense, where as when we start translating the jATa with Chandra Bhimbam which is bright illumination or light, it is becomes kshetharam or the “entangled environment of bright light”.

Bhoomi as matter instead of earth. nakha, translated as claw when related to the living, translates as fierce without a reference. hryudhva is translated as “heart”, but here I have translated it as “mental activity” or in short they are “thoughts”.

So, we are looking at the translation of this verse as:

Yam is spirit form known in 10 directions as matter enjoying comfortable ideas
Sam is the form of the collection of the entangled environment of bright light at the crown of the head
Dam is intense collection of the changing face of fierce thoughts of this immense void
Pam is the destruction of imperfection of that perpetual thought of prana, that preserves the unmanifested environment

This is definitely thought provoking isn’t it? If we look at the path traversed here, it starts with a outer spirit enjoying matter, going to the inner electric signals that travel to the head to create this spirit, goes to the deeper thoughts that has triggered this signals and stops at that specific thought that is preserving the unmanifested environment so that the cycle of manifestation can be maintained.

Going on to the next verse:

Ram Ram Ram Raktavarnam, Kata katitam Teekshna DaMshTraa Karaalam
rakta + varnam = description of attachment or adhesion 
kaTakaTita = noise made when rubbing two substances together 
tIkShNa = hot daMshTrA = sharp edges karAlam = immense

Gham Gham Gham Ghosha Ghosham Gha Gha Gha Gha Ghatitam Ghargharam Ghora naadam
ghoSha = noise Ghosham = of noise ghA = indeed / surely 
GhaTitam = made of ghargharam = gurgling noise 
ghora = violent nAdam = sound / noise

Kam Kam Kam Kaala Paasham Dhruka Dhruka Dhrukitam Jwaalitam Kaamadaaham
kAla = time pAsham = trap dhruka = holding 
dhrukitam = of supporting jvalitam = radiant 
kAma + daham = desire + heat

Tam Tam Tam divya Deham, Pranmata Satatam, BHAIRAVAM KSHETRA PAALAM !!2!!
divya =  sublime deham = body 
Prana + mata = thought of prana satatam = perpetual 
bhairavam kshetra pAlam = unmanifested environment preserve

Here, “tIkShNa daMshTrA karAlam” is usually translated as “sharp fangs open wide”. Like I have said over and over again, that translation works if we want to apply the description to a human form. The minute we remove the human form from the translation, we have to look for meanings that are agnostic to sentience. In this case, “tIkShna daMshTra KarAlam” then becomes “immense hot sharp edges”

So, this translates to:

Ram is the adhesive noise when two immense hot sharp edges are rubbed together
gham is noise, noise indeed made of gurgling noise, violent noise
kam is the trap of time bearing the radiant heat of desire 
tam is the sublime body of that perpetual thought of prana that preserves the unmanifested environment

Going with the trend of the first verse, this should also be a path from outside to the thought of prana. Is this the path of noise I wonder? Noise made by sharp edges, to the gurgling noise to the noise of heat from that sublime body which is associated with the thought of prana?

This translation is strange!

Maha Kalabhairava stotram – Verses 3, 4, 5 & 6 Posted on September 9, 2018 By philosophy @

Continuing from the previous blog of Maha Kalabhairava stotram, here I have translated the next few verses. I wonder very much what this stotram is really explaining. As I have said in “Language is the barrier“, “How can I as a person transfer the vibrations that occur within in my brain in the exact form to the next human being?” I am really starting to wonder if each of these “bija mantras”, are vibrations, if intoned correctly will make the brain vibrate in the frequency that is the next step in the series of steps that give the first bija mantra i.e., “yaksha roopam” which is “the spirit form that enjoys material comfort”! Are the knowledge of these vibrations really lost?? Very sad, if it is true!!

Translating the next set of verses. Below, verse 3, 4, 5 and 6:

Lam Lam Lam Lam Vadantam la la la la Lalitam Dheergha Jivhaa Karaalam
Dhoom Dhoom Dhoom Dhoomra Varnam Sphuta vikata mukham Bhaskaram Bheemaroopam
Rum Rum Rum Roondamalam, ravi tama niyatam taamra netram karaalam
Nam Nam Nam Nagnaroopam, Pranmata Satatam, BHAIRAVAM KSHETRA PAALAM !!3!!

vadantam = to indicate lalitam = playful 
dheergha + jihva = long + tongue karAlam = immense
Dhoomra = obscure Varnam = description sphuTa = distinct 
vikaTa = large mukham = face bhaskaram = shining 
bhIma + roopam = fierce + form
ruNDa + malam = mutilated + string ravi = light tama = darkness 
niyatam = kept back tAmra = red-color netram = guide 
karAlam = immense
nagna = the unadorned

Vam Vam Vam vaayuvegam natajana dayinam Brahma paaram param tam
Kham Kham Kham khadga hastam tribhuvana nilayam bhaskaram bheema roopam
Cham Cham Cham Cham chalitvaa chala chala chalita chchaalitam bhoomi chakram
Mam Mam Mam maayi roopam Pranmata Satatam BHAIRAVAM KSHETRA PAALAM !!4!!

vAyu + vegam = breath + motion naTa + jana = to move + producing 
dayinam = causing bramha = creation pAram = crossing 
param = later tam = fading away
khadga = disturbance hastam = a cubit measured by the hand? 
tribhuvana = three worlds nilayam = resting bhaskaram = shining 
bhIma = fierce rUpam = form
chalitva = motion chala = agitation chalita = shaking 
bhoomi = matter chakram = cicle
mAyi + rUpam = illusionary + form

Sham Sham Sham Shankha Hastam, Sashi kara dhavalam, Moksha Sampoorna Tejam
Mam Mam Mam Mam Mahaantam, Kula makula kulam Mantra Guptam Sunityam
Yam Yam Yam Bhootanadham, Kili Kili Kilitam Vaalakeli Pradhanam
Am Am Am Aantariksham, Pranmata Satatam, BHAIRAVAM KSHETRA PAALAM !!5!!

Shankha = uncertainity hastam = measure shashikara = beam of light 
dhavalam = white moksha = free sampUrNa = entire tejam = entropy
Mahantam = dense kula = collection makula = unopened 
kulam = accumulated mantra = a design guptam = secret 
su + nityam = to move + constantly
bhUta + nAdam = past + noise kilitam = tied 
VAlakeli = bristle pradhAnam = destroy
Antariksham = the intermediate region 

Kham Kham Kham Khadga Bhedam, Visha Mamruta Mayam Kaala Kaalam Karalam
Ksham Ksham Ksham Kshipra Vegam, Daha Daha Dahanam, Tapta Sandeepya Maanam
Houm Houm HoumKaara Nadam, Prakatita Gahanam Garjitairbhoomi Kampam
Vam Vam Vam Vaala Leelam, Pranmata Satatam, BHAIRAVAM KSHETRA PAALAM !!6!!

khadga = disturbance bhedam = separating 
viSham + amruta = changing + unchanging mAyam = illusion 
kAla = time kAlam = and time karalam = immense
kshipra = agile vegam = speed dahanam = destroying 
tapta = heated sandIpya = kindle mAnam = idea
houmkAra = roaring nadam = noise prakatita = manifested 
gahanam = dense garjitair + bhoomi = roaring + matter 
kampam = motion
Vala = bristles lIlam = beauty

Here, a few things, dheergha jihva, long tongued or talkative or communicative. Vayu vegam, speed of wind or actually breath if air is what is considered. So, the translation comes to:

lam indicates immense playful communication
Dhoom is the obscure description of the distinct large shining face of the fierce form
Rum is the multilated string of immense guide of red-colored light keeping back darkness
nam is the unadorned form of the continuous thought of prana that preserves the unmanifested environment.

vam is the motion of breath producing movement causing creation crossing later fading away
kham is the measure of disturbance in the three worlds resting in shining fierce form
Cham is the agitated tremulous motion of the circle of matter
Mam is the illusionary form of that continuous thought of prana that preserves the unmanifested environment

Sham is the measure of uncertainity in the white beam of light freeing the entire entropy
Mam is the dense collection of unopened accumulation, a design constantly moving
Yam is the noise of the past tied together in bristles destroying
Am is the intermediate region of that continuous thought of prana that preserves the unmanifested environment

kham is the disturbance separating the changing and the unchanging illusion of the immense time
sham is the agile speed of destroying the heated kindled idea
Houm is the roaring noise of the dense manifested roaring matter in motion
Vam is the beauty of those bristles of the thought of prana that preserves the unmanifested environment

I am not sure there can be any explanation of these verses at all!!! But, if we followed this translation back up from the bottom up, we are looking at this:

A set of bristles moving in dense matter that is causing the heat that is forming ideas and getting destroyed causing a disturbance and gives us two states changing and unchanging. This creates an intermediate region with the destroyed bristles creating the noise of the past, a constantly moving accumulation, unopened. When this reaches a certain measure of uncertainty, frees the entire entropy. This illusionary form in the agitated tremulous motion forms the circle of matter and when a certain measure of disturbance is reached in that resting form, it causes a cross over and a creation, producing breath that keeps fading away (since this is a circle and forms again). This unadorned form is the mutilated string of immense red-colored (my take is a specific frequency perceived in a certain color?) light that is keeping back darkness, generating an obscure description for a distinct, fierce form with immense playful communication.

Following this into the previous two verses from the previous verses:

This distinct, fierce, immense communicative form is the sublime body which is a trap for the time bearing the radiant heat of desire, generating a gurgling noise, an adhesive noise when two immense hot sharp edges are rubbed together, giving rise to the imperfection and a collection of mental activity of this immense void, collecting this entangled mass of bright light at the crown of the head, giving rise to the spirit that knows the 10 directions and enjoys comfortable ideas!!

It holds together? Right? I wonder! But a rare beauty, if it is really what this means, I am stunned!!!

Maha Kalabhairava stotram verses 7 & 8   Posted on October 13, 2018 By philosophy @

I have translated the previous verses of the Maha Kalabhairava stotram in the previous 2 blogs here and here. The more I read these verses, the more I am amazed by the continuity and the depth of meaning in these verses and wonder “have I really understood what is said here”!! I must admit though, it is not just this stotram. The more I translate some of the commonly known stotrams, the more I am convinced that we are just fools. We seem to have just repeated these stotrams word to word without once questioning the underlying meaning. We are only too willing to accept the vague translations modified into non-sensical set of words as the meaning of these stotrams or dismiss them as superstition based on what the orientation of our mind is. We are willing to just attribute these to some vaguely defined gods and start worshipping this vagueness, impressing our fears or wants on these and being totally delusional and devotional.

But, the depth of meaning and what is described in these stotrams are so enormous that understanding them and accepting them takes a lifetime at the minimum and sometimes I wonder if even a lifetime is sufficient. These are stotrams that need to be lived, to be experienced, to be allowed to sink in and allow the vibrations that make us be modified to exist as what is described here to really know them!! For eg., the second verse of this stotram talks about the “tIkShNa daMshTrA karAlam”, while I have translated the words, and it translates to “immense hot sharp edges rubbed together”, I sometimes wonder would this just not be the “heat distribution map”. But, how many of us can feel the heat distribution in ourselves that has in turn formed the mental map, the emotional map and hence the spirit of us? When we have not even been able to see beyond the mind, I wonder how someone was able to go all the way down to the buoyant vibrancy that has led to all this and how someone was able to distinguish that persistence has led to the vibrancy and so on!!

But, going forward the translation of the last two verses of this stotram is as below:

Sam Sam Sam Siddhi Yogam, Sakala guNa Ghanam, Deva Devam Prasannam
Pam Pam Pam Padmanabham, HariHara Mayanam,Chandra SuryaAgni Netram
Aim Aim Aim Aishwarya Naadham, Satata Bhayaharam, PoorvaDeva Swaroopam
Roum Roum Roum Roudra Roopam, Pranmata Satatam, BHAIRAVAM KSHETRA PAALAM !!7!!

siddi = knowledge yogam = harnessing sakala = entire guNa = quality 
ghanam = dense deva = energy devam = energies prasannam = pure
padma + nAbham = centre of the concentric circles 
hari + hara = establishing of equilibrium + destroyer(of equilibrium)  
mAyam = illusion chandra = bright 
surya + agni = light + heat energy netram = guide
aishwarya = omniscience nAdam = noise satata = continuous 
bhayaharam = perturbation pUrva+deva = before energy
roudra = fierce rUpam = form 

Ham Ham Ham Hamsa Haasam, HasitakalaHakam, MuktaYogaattahaasam
Dham Dham Dham Netra roopam, Siramakuta Jataabandha Bandhaagra Hastam
Tam Tam Tankaara nadham, Trida salata la tam, Kaama Garvaapa Haram
Bhrum Bhrum Bhrum Bhootanadham, Pranmata Satatam, BHAIRAVAM KSHETRA PAALAM !!8!!

hamsa = universal soul hAsam = instability 
hasita + kala + hakam = transcend + indistinct + sound 
mukta + yoga + atta + hAsam = free + harnessing + buoyant + vibrancy
netra = guidance rUpam = form sira + makuta = crown of head 
jatA + bandha = entangled + attachment 
badha+ugra = inflexible binding hastam = hand 
TamkAra = humming nAdham = noise trida = three 
salata = motion la = to give tam = disturbance 
kAma = desire garvApa = ego / self-interest haram = obtaining
bhUta + nAtham = past (that which has become) + guide 

So, these verses translate to:

Sam is the harnessing of knowledge of the dense quality of the entire pure energy and energies
Pam is the centre of the concentric circles of illusion establishing and destroying equilibrium with bright light and heat energy guide
Aim is the omniscience continuous noise dispelling perturbations before energy (is formed?)
roum is the fierce form of the thought of prana that preserves the unmanifested environment

Ham is the instability of the universal soul transcending the indistinct sound free harnessing of buoyant vibrancy
Dham is the form of guidance crown of head entangled attachment inflexible binding hand
Tam is the humming noise of tri-motion to give rise to disturbance obtaining self-interest desire
Bhrum is the past guide of the thought of prana that preserves the unmanifested environment

Now, if we add this to the previous set of verses and read it bottom up, we start with saying that the “guide of the past” starts everything and this is exactly what is said in the Kalabhairava ashtakam also in the last verse. “Splitting the continuity by buoyant vibrancy we lose the ability to see and we fit it into an inflexible order and then string them together into a thread and call it intelligence. In this case the past and a vast recollection becomes a necessity”. Here again something similar is said.

“The persistence of the past has given rise to the humming noise and hence three motions (I wonder what these three motions are?) giving rise to a disturbance and hence self interest and desire (similar to the nIlakant of Kalabhairava stotram) which has caused an inflexible binding and attachment causing an instability causing buoyant vibrancy. This fierce form is omniscience continuous noise forming perturbations, this becomes the centre of the concentric circle of illusion that is establishing and destroying equilibrium of light and heat energy and hence the dense quality is established in the pure energy that become knowledge (which according to Aitreya Upanishad can be sensed?).”

Continuing into the other verses from here:

A set of bristles moving in the above dense matter that is causing the heat that is forming ideas and getting destroyed causing a disturbance and gives us two states changing and unchanging. This creates an intermediate region with the destroyed bristles creating the noise of the past, a constantly moving accumulation, unopened. When this reaches a certain measure of uncertainty, frees the entire entropy. This illusionary form in the agitated tremulous motion forms the circle of matter and when a certain measure of disturbance is reached in that resting form, it causes a cross over and a creation, producing breath that keeps fading away (since this is a circle and forms again). This unadorned form is the mutilated string of immense red-colored (my take is a specific frequency perceived in a certain color?) light that is keeping back darkness, generating an obscure description for a distinct, fierce form with immense playful communication.

This distinct, fierce, immense communicative form is the sublime body which is a trap for the time bearing the radiant heat of desire, generating a gurgling noise, an adhesive noise when two immense hot sharp edges are rubbed together, giving rise to the imperfection and a collection of mental activity of this immense void, collecting this entangled mass of bright light at the crown of the head, giving rise to the spirit that knows the 10 directions and enjoys comfortable ideas!!

So, persistence has caused a whole universe?! What is time is not anymore as simple as the movement of a clock hand!

Read an interpretation in my Book
A Research of Shiva: The Enigma


above is a clone of the original site, copied from

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MS-DOS for FM TOWNS, twin towers 9/11 symbolism

i notice that the this cover art has 9/11 twin towers symbolism ^-^

the twin towers being hit by a plane, remotely controlled, and the flowers at the base representing explosives such as in the basement of the towers … 😉
for sale on Yahoo! Japan Auctions: 【3338】富士通 日本語MS-DOS V5.0 L21 拡張機能 B288A021 新品 (FMR,FMタウンズ TOWNS)用 エムエスドス 開発コマンド NBツール NBメニュー Current price ¥222,000

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FM TOWNS poster twin towers explosion

i got this Fujitsu FM TOWNS promotional poster a while back from Yahoo! Japan auctions

if you look closely, we see the Twin Towers in the image of the screen
behind the twin towers is a sort of explosion of light. 🌇 😎

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here’s why RPGs such as the original FFVII have power, immersion & magick that modern voice-acted RPGs absolutely lack.

One of the key reasons classic text-based RPGs such as the legendary FFVII were/are so powerful:

The ability to enter your own name as the protagonist (“cloud”), in a text-based RPG, enables the game to speak to the role-player’s conscious mind, subconscious mind, and unconscious mind.

This powerful key feature is *absolutely* absent from modern voice-acted RPGs and the remake.

I’ve said before that they should at least attempt to use modern voice synthesis which is able to SPEAK the player’s name, alongside the voice acting. This is the only way to even get close to such dimension of what an RPG is supposed to feel like. A role-player could even use their own voice to train a “deepfake” machine-learned “A.I.” voice for the protagonist.

in the case of the original FFVII in particular for example, the game exploits this further by eventually revealing to the role-player that “cloud” is not who he thinks he is, his memories of his past are false, and he falls into the life stream and has to find his “true self”.

You were telling people before that you were EX-SOLDIER 1st class …? No… that was Zack… remember? Zack died… you picked up his sword though … that wasn’t you in that old photo you remember … that was also Zack …

Thus, the role-player experiences “oh… this is who i really am”, and continues the role-playing game from there.

This is of course even more effective to younger players as they may still be developing their sense of “true self” and identity in the real world.

In various parts of the game, a high frequency constant tone may sound like tinitus, the screen may flash, fade or suddenly switch to a pure black or pure white screen, then dialogue text appearing, speaking to the role-player’s mind, akin to an inner voice inside one’s head, but other times as an external voice speaking into the mind … JENOVA? Sephiroth? Cloud’s consciousness? Are you a puppet? Hmm? Who are you? Are your memories real?

In this way, it was a true masterpiece which exhibits and exploits techniques which yield powerful experiences and effects to the role-player which is impossible for voice-acted RPGs to achieve… unless they implement realistic voice synthesis to speak the role-player’s inputted name, and exploit “deepfake” machine-learning for the protagonist to mimic their real voice.

so, when will we get good voice synthesis for RPGs? machine-learned player voice? wen FFVII remake voice synth mod? enter your real friend’s names as the other party members? train their voice etc?

let’s mosey
(where to? the knowlespole? or temple of the ancients? let’s maybe talk to the JENOVA’s witnesses, where have all the Cetra people gone anyway… ?)

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Larry Silverstein: “i built model airplanes, i flew them”


an edit i made of: “לארי סילברסטיין – Larry Silverstein יזם: Ground Zero NY אורח עיר הנד"לן 2014 של מרכז הבניה” (youtube URI: JUvLCzk7nh4) … edited with kdenlive for educational purposes

Larry Silverstein, owner of the World Trade Centre complex on September 11th 2001, recounts that as a child:
“… i built model airplanes, i flew them …”

Larry also explains they had the plans to build the new building BEFORE the towers got hit.

He states in this speech that fire brought down WTC7 (salomon brothers building)

But, in an old documentary he clearly states that he gave the order to “PULL IT” (textbook controlled demolition terminology) see below:

it is a haunting speech he gives, so i added appropriate music:
Music: Mattia Cupelli – Dark Tension Rising Music (Royalty FREE)

Feel free to download and share the video, but please also share the link to the bitchute version for easier sharing.