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Studying Correlation Between ESP (Psychic Phenomena) & Geomagnetic Activity (& Solar Activity)

The Parapsychological Association & The Society for Psychical Research Convention 2008

some summary:

“Local geomagnetic field-strength measurements taken at 1-second intervals during 99 trials, and at 5-second intervals during 244 trials, were converted by fast Fourier transform into power within five frequency bands.

Two patterns were observed: ESP was found to succeed only during periods of enhanced pulsation activity within the 0.2-0.5 Hz band, but ESP effect was absent during the most disturbed periods of activity in the 0.025-0.1 Hz band. “

Rupert Sheldrake suggests a morphic field, but it seems that electromagnetic, geomagnetic, and other fields may be linked too, to the degree that more disturbed planetary field activity may cause “noise” and interrupt some forms of ESP (which then may become enhanced once the disturbed field has settled… i am trying to find the study which touches upon this finding of increased ESP _after_ the disturbed field has settled)

ExtraSensory Perception (ESP, Psi, Psychic Ability) is very real. It should be taken seriously.
If like myself, you have also personally experienced ESP such as precognitive dreams or remote sensing/clairvoyance, then it is no longer a belief, but we know it is real, we do not “believe” in it. it becomes knowledge. Thus there MUST be a mechanism, field, or function it is leveraging, and we should study to find this, and potentially leverage and exploit it so we can work with ESP more systematically and effectively.

Some of the research i have came across over the years range from the well-known USA CIA remote viewing studies, UK MoD remote viewing (appendix G, anyone?), Magick & Witchcraft, Findings that Rupert Sheldrake explores, etc… but what excited me the most was when i found studies which explore correlation between ESP and Geomagnetic and Solar activity. I’m trying to find the exact study i found many years ago, but above is one such study i just found, i should add and collate more as i find them.

If i recall correctly, what i learnt from the study i initially read years ago is that some forms of ESP are more frequent and enhanced During more active Geomagnetic periods (geomagnetic storms etc), but also that some ESP can actually be Dampened during the most active (geomagnetic storm) periods, followed by increased ESP when the highly unsettled field settles afterwards.

Also, the different types of ESP may be affected differently. Precognition (future time event sensing) for example, may be affected differently to clairvoyance/remote-sensing (current time remote event sensing), and the geomagnetic field may affect them differently.

I will also post briefly after this regarding some notable ESP experiences i’ve had myself, and how they may relate also to the Morphic field that Rupert Sheldrake suggests.

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